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My name is Lauren Wiech and I am in my third year of design school. My work consistantly grows, along with myself as a person and I want to excel in a professional and creative envoirment. I am eager to learn - from creatives, examples, and experience.


As I explore the fields of graphic design and fine arts, I'm able to find my strengths and weaknesses. MMU's graphic program has developed immensely from the first time I stepped into the classroom, each step for the better. The tools, teachers and learning envoirement have provided myself a successful start to my future.


Aside from design I love to travel and have recently ventured back from Italy. I enjoy attending all types of live music, playing sand volleyball, and thrifting from store to store. I currently work at Cafe Hollander, but try to experience other restuarant's atmosphere and food too.

I hope you enjoy my work!

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